Fertility Reflexotherapy
Specialised Fertility Reflexolotheragy is suitable for both Women and Men
A Nurturing, Positive & highly successful experience that aids Natural Conception and a must while going through IVF.
Fertility Reflexotherapy
A Nurturing, Positive & highly successful experience that aids Natural Conception & a must while going through IVF.
Are you thinking about IVF or other fertility treatment, planning it in the near future, or maybe you’re in the middle of a cycle right now?
Have you thought about preparing EMOTIONALLY for your happy, safe & healthy pregnancy?
Personal Fertility Support with Jennifer
Imagine how good it would feel to be supported and feel relaxed on your fertility journey. At Beautilicious, support is caring, empathic, non- judgemental and focused on a positive experience along your fertility journey.
Jennifer specialises in a safe, natural, mentally healthy approach to Fertility, putting your emotional & physical wellbeing first. It is a Nurturing, Positive Experience that aids Natural Conception & is a complete Must while going through IVF/IUI. Jennifer uses a mind-body approach to Fertility, moving clients through emotional, physical & strong mental blocks, allowing them to conceive naturally, even after failed rounds of IVF and miscarriages.
We can work together one-to-one to
- Dramatically reduce stress levels, ensuring you feel calm & relaxed
- Quieten negative thoughts and self-talk about your fertility, so you can fully embrace a positive mindset.
- Discover and resolve any potential emotional blocks to conceiving.
- Achieve positivity and clarity as you move towards conceiving your baby.

Jennifer Coady Murphy is a Holistic Fertility Expert, celebrating 100’s of Safe Healthy Pregnancies/babies. Jennifer is a Reflexotherapist, Kahuna Healer & Reiki Master specialising in a natural, mind-body approach to fertility. She uses a combination of Reflexotherapy, Kahuna, intuition and mindset coaching to move her clients through the emotional and physical blocks that are impeding them from conceiving naturally. Jennifer’s nurturing, positive, professional approach currently has a 75-80% success rate compared to the national IVF success rate of 25-30%.
Jennifer works with both women, men and couples to empower them to take charge of their own fertility journeys. Majority of her clients come to her as almost a last resource after “trying everything” – years if struggle, failed rounds of IUI/IVF, disappointment, loss, miscarriage….There’s never a physical ailment without an emotional tie in the background. Jennifer helps her clients uncover, discover & remove those blocks in the background, allowing them to conceive naturally! These specialized treatments also work beautifully hand in hand with clients embarking on IVF journeys.
Jennifer is a registered member of the NRRI (National Register of Reflexologists Ireland) Membership no. 1562:19
All Reflexotherapy Treatments are covered under private health insurance such as VHI, LAYA etc.
Fertility Reflexotherapy:
Following from her training and passion for Reflexology Jennifer has upskilled and trained in the profound techniques of Reflexotherapy. The name Hanne Marquardt will be well known to you if you have studied the history of Reflexology and its key figures! Hanne Marquardt studied with “The Mother of Reflexology”, Eunice Ingham in the late 1950′s. Previously to meeting Eunice, Hanne spent nine years studying her work. Since then she has spent a lifetime refining and developing Reflexology and made some crucial adaptations changing the name of what she practiced and taught to Reflexotherapy.
Hanne Marquardt lives in the Black Forest, Germany. Hanne has trained over 30,000 people and has personally treated over 120,000 clients! Due to her own medical training, she has taught those with a medical-therapeutic background and also validated and researched her findings with her own patients.
Traditional & Ancient Healing
Blending traditional beauty treatments such as Manicure, Pedicure, Spray Tanning, Facials, Makeup application, Waxing etc. with scared ancient holistic healing art forms such as Kahuna Healing, Reiki, Reflexotherapy
Feel Amazing
Unique Beauty Experience with a Holistic Approach and Spa Feel.
It’s an oasis of calm, a non-judgemental, peaceful, safe haven were all treatments are tailored to your individual needs.
We pride ourselves on the quality of our organic, Irish products where possible
Today’s Thought
Be aware of who you are,
Be free of tension & fear,
Focus your mind on what you want, Sense the life that’s here,
Bless the good that’s all around, Trust yourself each day,
If at first you don’t succeed,
Try another way.
What Customers Are Saying
“I just wanted to say thank you again to Jennifer for the kahuna healing treatment she gave me last year. When I had the treatment she said I would be pregnant soon and that my baby would be just like me, bright and smiley ! He is almost 4 months now & is just how she described! I will be eternally grateful for the positivity that she bestowed on me xxx” Anonymous
“U’ll never guess who’s pregnant?? We’ve never met in person, just exchanged texts yrs ago n u just gave advise about never losing hope as regards conceiving n it turns out u were right, so will be forever thankful” – Anonymous, April 24th 2018
“Hi Jennifer, I am currently 9 weeks 4 days pregnant and feeling great. I genuinely don’t even know what to write to you. How do you say thank you for something so huge as this?
You gave me visualisations, which were the best things I’ve ever been thought. I used it the whole time and even when I got a positive test, I used it to keep at bay the worries that something bad was going to happen again. I now use them in my every day life when I feel anxious about something , it’s such a great tool. Also the visualisation of where my baby was going to nestle in and my body nourishing it was very powerful too. After seeing the scan, the baby is exactly where I imagined it to be which is weird and amazing!
Jennifer what you do it truly amazing, I have never met a person more intuitive.
Not only do I attribute you to be the reason I am pregnant but you have helped me deal with something that was probably going to remain a shadow over my life forever. You have given me life skills that I will use in all aspects of my life. You’re an amazing person Jennifer. I have no idea what you actually do but keep doing it.
Please use any or all of this this promote what you do.
Thank you for everything.
Love X.”
A clients incredible journey who is Now Pregnant Naturally with Specialised Fertility Reflexotherapy/Kahuna Healing Treatments After 5 failed rounds of IVF …
“Good evening Jennifer ,
I am fabulous thanks for asking and thanks again we couldn’t have gotten this far without you. It’s all so exciting 😊
Before starting my treatments I felt very alone and hurt and somewhat bitter and angry over the fact that I couldn’t have children or so many doctors lead me to believe for years due to the fact I had blocked tubes , endometriosis, fibroids and cysts. When I came to see you I was desperate to have a baby and couldn’t take their observations as set in stone because I always felt I was meant to be a mammy.
After the first few treatments I realised that I had alot of issues buried deep down that i didn’t even think I had . Alot of it was probably fear and the what if eventhing went wrong ie “got pregnant and he left me” etc.
After each treatment I felt relief and like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and began to have hope again that maybe my dream of been a mammy could come true and the doctors were all wrong. I went from been crippled with pain most days since I was about 26 and been dependent on codine based painkillers to one day waking up and having no pain whatsoever, didn’t need pain killers and after 21 years I now had a regular cycle which was amazing. After each treatment I felt that little bit stronger like nothing could stop me and the fear and anger was slowly but surely disappearing bit by bit.
About 6 months or so ago I realised if I didn’t have the pains or issues that I had for soo many years maybe I was “fixed” so there wasn’t anything stopping me naturally having children.
Your words from every treatment stuck with me and I completely changed my outlook. I became alot more positive and found my self belief.
“Energy flows where attention goes and now is the moment of power” are things I told myself every morning and every night over and over.
I decided that now was my moment and I couldn’t give anyone my power like I had done for soo long. I was waiting over a year and a half to have surgery to remove fibroids and your treatments made me think maybe I was waiting so long because I didn’t actually need the surgery I could do it on my own.
I think the pivotal moment for me and when things changed was when my partner decided that he wanted to see you. I had asked him on previous occasions if he would see you because you had as said you see more of a change when partners are willing to go. He believed in everything you were telling me and teaching me over the past year and a half but he always said it was for me and that he had no need to go until a few weeks ago when he decided it was a good idea and he was ready to meet you. 3 treatments with him and we got our big fat positive yes and I truely believe him coming in gave my confidence and belief a huge boost because I had him by my side. Also that and the fact I told myself everyday with last 2 months I was going to be pregnant by Christmas 😂😂 and that was that .
We would not be in the position we are now without your wonderful wisdom and guidance. You are truely an angel of hope to all us woman who are brainwashed to believe we are infertile and have no options when really we have the whole world at our feet and can all have the pitter patter of tiny feet in our life.
( Hope I haven’t rambled on too much and you get something out of that , I could write for hours about how you changed my life)
The new client who’s only after starting treatment, you said her beautian told her about you , turns about we have the same beautian , who I met yesterday after our treatment in Costa and she said hoped I didn’t mind her telling another client of hers about my journey and how highly I spoke of you and what you have done for me and encouraged her to contact you. So I’m so happy that my journey is already encouraging women just by talking to my beautician. It’s a small world and hopefully she will get her big positive yes sooner than she thinks .
We can’t thank you enough Jennifer and you will always have a special place in our hearts
Thankful forever”